Discipline Your Own Mind

Discipline Your Own Mind

Be honest sis… At any time of the day, if I would tell you to track ten thoughts, how many of those ten thoughts are thoughts that are negative in nature? No judgment here, friend! I teach what I teach, not because I was born with a perfectly, positive mindset....
Your Mindset And Its Effects On Your Health

Your Mindset And Its Effects On Your Health

You’ve heard this and know it… “Eat healthy, exercise, and make sure you get good sleep. This is the recipe to good health, insha Allah!” And while I this is very true, this statement is also incomplete. See, if we would ONLY focus on healthy eating, exercise, and...
Marriage Mindset Matters

Marriage Mindset Matters

Marriage in Islam Allah(swt) created marriage as a beautiful union between two people. He(swt) brought us together so we can be a source of comfort and support for each other. AlhamdullilAllah, when we are in a healthy marriage, it’s one of the most beautiful gifts in...
When You Woke Up Feeling Down…

When You Woke Up Feeling Down…

Sis, the question is not IF you have days where you feel like everything has gone wrong… The question is: HOW OFTEN do you wake up in the morning and feel that way? And WHAT EXACTLY is it that you do to get yourself out of it? Some days you just wake up feeling down....
Throw Away Negativity….Literally!

Throw Away Negativity….Literally!

One of the most fascinating things I learned when studying the mind is that our minds can’t tell the difference between something happening in reality and visualizing that same thing, without it happening in reality. In other words, when you visualize something, your...
Myths About Morning Routine

Myths About Morning Routine

I have said this SO many times! I think I’m kind of known for this now in my circles. Morning routines are so important, for SO many reasons. First of all, the Prophet(saw) made dua for us: “Oh Allah, bless my ummah in the early morning.” Can you imagine? The MOST...
Entertaining Negativity will drain your mind

Entertaining Negativity will drain your mind

A road trip If I told you I have a destination in mind and I am planning on starting my journey soon insha Allah, would you think I was able to get to my destination? Of course! Insha Allah! If I take the necessary steps to get ready for my trip, and Allah(swt) allows...
Could Your Mind Be Behind Your Struggles?

Could Your Mind Be Behind Your Struggles?

I’ll be honest, I NEVER thought my mind and mindset was that big of a deal. I didn’t even think of it as a “thing” in my existence. It was the physical me and my skillsets. And all I had been thinking about was to improve my skills to get better at different things in...