by Wajma Babak | Apr 8, 2023 | Mindset, Self Care
If you are like me…there is always something in your own habits or character that bugs you and that you want to change. The thing is…wanting to get rid of negative habits and trying to adopt positive ones is a good thing! However, there are two ways you can do this…...
by Wajma Babak | Jan 19, 2023 | Mindset, Self Care
What does communication mean to you? The majority of humans consider communication as an act of exchanging information between human beings. Whether it is a parent talking to a child, a husband to his wife, siblings among each other, or friends to each other. Or...
by Wajma Babak | Dec 22, 2022 | Mindset, Self Care
You’ve heard this and know it… “Eat healthy, exercise, and make sure you get good sleep. This is the recipe to good health, insha Allah!” And while I this is very true, this statement is also incomplete. See, if we would ONLY focus on healthy eating, exercise, and...